04 / 10 / 2023 Mittwoch // Konser
Music In Words: GUDRUN GUT (Talk + Live)

For our beloved series Music in Words, this time we invite Gudrun Gut for a talk about her artistic work and the important musical influence in the early eighties of the West-Berlin subculture. Moderator is ML as usual. Live performance by Gudrun will follow which will be recorded as a contemporaneous retrospective to explain how your music has evolved, but still with the same approach.

Gudrun Gut’s story began in the subcultural scene of the “genial dilettantes” in early 1980s Berlin as part of Mania D, Einstürzende Neubauten and Malaria! and eventually led to Matador and extensive solo catalog. She also founded two record labels (Moabit Musik and Monika Enterprise), worked as a radio host and producer with Thomas Fehlmann (10 years of Oceanclub Radio for RadioEins), organized club nights for the electronic pop collective Oceanclub, became festival curator (with Fehlmann/Meteo on MarkeB and currently UM Festival), and ignited experimental feminist collaborations, most notably under the title Monika Werkstatt. Other projects: Collaborations with Antye Greie (AGF) and Hans-Joachim Irmler of Faust.

This event is part of the "Tag der Clubkultur" initiative.
TAG DER CLUBKULTUR was launched in 2020 to highlight the diversity and importance of Berlin's club culture on the initiative of the Senate Department for Culture and Europe and the Clubcommission as well as in close cooperation with the Musicboard Berlin.